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Fresh Eggs

Explore Egg Trac Software Features

Chick Pro’s Egg Trac software is simplify hen and egg production. Allowing farmers to spend more time in the field and less time entering data.

From commercial farming to free-range egg production. Egg Trac improves the way you track and manage your hens, eggs, feed, and expenses. Receive daily data reports, as well as manage invoices and expenses.

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Egg Trac Homescreen

Easily access Egg Trac’s software features from the homepage.


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Daily Data Feed

Egg Trac’s data management feature allows farmers to easily enter and organize chicken flock data. From water usage to bird weight, compliance records, feed, and egg count. 

Daily data feed software for egg farms

Click the image to magnify the view.

Feed Recipe

Farmers can manage, store, and create chicken feed recipes all within the Egg Trac software!


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Bird Type Targets

Compare Current Data With Targets.


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Invoices & Expenses

Adjust invoices & expenses by quantity, type, egg unit type, & customer.


Click the image to magnify the view.

Feed Fill / Feed Grind

Easily manage the amount and weight of chicken feed in a feed bin, as well as the feed grind and the price-per-ton, and the total price of feed.


Click the image to magnify the view.


Easily view and manage reports by category: egg production, income & expenses, hen performance, and feed.

Egg track reports for chicken farms

Click the image to magnify the view.


Notify and track your tasks and task completions.


Click the image to magnify the view.

Egg Settings

Personalize settings by egg unit, type, and customer.


Click the image to magnify the view.

As agriculture modernizes, so do the tools that farmers use. Our goal at Chick Pro is to equip commercial egg farmers with technology to help simplify their poultry and egg production business.

Try Egg Trac today!

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Contact Chick Pro


Owner James Yoder

Email  |  Tel: 270-227-1302

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